Journal articles
Talebizadeh Z, Shah A; AutGO Working Group (2020), The AutGO Initiative: A Conceptual Framework for Developing Genetics-Outcomes Research Hypotheses, Autism Research, 13(8):1286-1299.
Talebizadeh Z (2019), Lessons learned from the DFNA37 gene discovery odyssey. Genetics in Medicine, 21(7):1481-1482.
Booth KT, Askew JW, Talebizadeh Z, Huygen PLM, Eudy J, Kenyon J, Hoover D, Hildebrand MS, Smith KR, Bahlo M, Kimberling WJ, Smith RJH, Azaiez H, Smith SD (2019), Splice-altering variant in COL11A1 as a cause of nonsyndromic hearing loss DFNA37, Genetics in Medicine, 21(4):948-954.
Talebizadeh Z, Shah A, DiTacchio L (2019), The potential role of a retrotransposed gene and a long noncoding RNA in regulating an X-linked chromatin gene (KDM5C): Novel epigenetic mechanism in autism, Autism Research, 12(7):1007-1021.
Talebizadeh Z, Shah A and PCORI EAIN-2419 Working Group (2018),
Building a bridge between genetics and outcomes research: application in autism (the AutGO study),
The Patient Journal, 11(4):451-462, 2018.
Beversdorf DQ; Wang P, Barnes G, Weisskopf M, Hardan A, Hu VW, Mazurek MO, Talebizadeh Z, Goldberg W, Jones KL, Campbell DB, Feliciano P, Spence S, Müller RA, Brown RM, Kanne SM, Sohl K, Smith DG, London E, Bauman ML, Amaral D. (2016),
Phenotyping, Etiological Factors, and Biomarkers: Toward Precision Medicine in Autism Spectrum Disorders,
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 37(8):659-673, 2016.
Talebizadeh Z, and Shah, A (2014),
The Impact of Integrative Unconventional
Data Analysis on Advancing Autism Genetics Research in V. Hu (editor))
Frontiers in Autism Research: New Horizons for Diagnosis and
Treatment, 99-107, World Scientific Publisher, 2014.
[Online citation]
Talebizadeh Z, Aldenderfer R, Chen X (2014),
A proof of concept study: Exon-level expression profiling and
alternative splicing in autism using lymphoblastoid cell lines,
Psychiatric Genetics, 24(1):1-9, 2014.
[Online citation]
Talebizadeh Z, Arking DE, HU W (2013),
A novel stratification method in linkage studies to address inter- and intra-family heterogeneity in autism, PLoS One, 8(6), June 2013.
[Online citation]
Dai H, Charnigo R, Srivastava T, Talebizadeh Z, and Ye S (2012),
Integrating P-values for Genetic and Genomic Data Analysis
Biometrics & Biostatistics, 3(7):1-4, November 2012.
Han, B, Chen X, Talebizadeh Z, and Xu h (2012),
Genetic studies of complex human diseases:
Characterizing SNP-disease associations using
Bayesian networks,
BMC Systems Biology 6(Suppl 3):S14, April 2012.
Han B, Chen X, Talebizadeh, Z (2011).
FEPI-MB: identifying SNPs-disease association using a Markov Blanket-based approach,
BMC Bioinformatics, 12(Suppl 12):S3, November 2011.
Matuszek G, Talebizadeh Z, (2009).
Autism genetic database
(AGD): A comprehensive database including autism susceptibility gene-CNVs
integrated with known noncoding RNAs and fragile sites,
BMC Med Genet., 10:102, 1-7. (The database can be
accessed at: AGD.)
Talebizadeh Z, Butler MG, Theodoro MF (2008).
Feasibility and relevance of examining lymphoblastoid cell lines to study role of microRNAs in autism.
Autism Research, 1:240-250, INSAR.
Bazeley P,
Shepelev V, Talebizadeh Z,
Butler MG, Fedorova
L, Filatov V, Fedorov A (2008).
SnoTARGET shows that human
orphan snoRNA targets locate close to alternative splice
junction. Gene
Bittel DC,
Theodoro M, Kibiryeva N, Fischer W,
Talebizadeh Z, Butler
MG (2008).
Comparison of X chromosome inactivation patterns in
multiple tissues from human females.
J Med Genet 45:309-313.
Butler MG,
Theodoro MF, Bittel DC,
Kuipers PJ, Driscoll DJ, and Talebizadeh Z
X chromosome
inactivation patterns in females with Prader-Willi syndrome.
Am J Med Genet A 143:469-475.
Simon SD, and
Butler MG (2006).
chromosome gene expression in human tissues: male and female
Genomics 88:675-681.
Theodoro MF,
Talebizadeh Z, and
Butler MG (2006).
Body composition and fatness patterns in Prader-Willi syndrome:
comparison with simple obesity.
Lam YD, Theodoro MF,
DC, Lushington GH and
Butler MG (2006).
Novel splice isoforms for NLGN3 and NLGN4 with possible
implications in autism.
Med Genet 43:e21.
Butler MG, Dasouki MJ, Zhou XP,
Talebizadeh Z,
Brown M, Takahashi TN, Miles JH, Wang CH, Stratton R, Pilarski R
and Eng C (2005).
Subset of individuals with autism spectrum
disorders and extreme macrocephaly associated with germline PTEN
tumour suppressor gene mutations.
J Med Genet
Kibiryeva N,
DC and
Butler MG (2005).
Ghrelin, peptide YY and their receptors: gene expression in
brain from subjects with and without Prader-Willi syndrome.
Int J Mol Med 15:707-711.
Butler MG (2005).
Insulin resistance and obesity related factors in Prader-Willi
syndrome: comparison with obese subjects.
Clin Genet 67:230-239.
Talebizadeh Z,
DC, Veatch OJ, Kibiryeva N, and
Butler MG (2005).
Non-random X
chromosome inactivation in females with autism.
J Autism Dev Disord 35:
Bittel D, Kibiryeva N,
Talebizadeh Z and
Butler MG (2005).
Microarray analysis of gene/transcript expression in Angelman
syndrome: deletion versus UPD.
Genomics 85(1):85-91.
Bittel DC, Veatch OJ, Takahashi TN, Wang CH, Miles
JH and Butler MG (2004).
mutations in neuroligin genes (NLGN3 and NLGN4) cause Autism?
J Autism Dev Disord
Butler MG,
DC &
Z (2004).
Plasma peptide YY and ghrelin levels in infants and
children with Prader-Willi syndrome subjects.
J Ped Endo & Metab
17: 1177-1184.
Butler MG,
DC, Kibiryeva N,
Talebizadeh Z
and Thompson T (2004).
Clinical differences among subjects with Prader-Willi syndrome with type I or type II deletions and
maternal disomy. Pediatrics 113:565-573.
Bittel D, Kibiryeva N,
Talebizadeh Z and
Butler MG (2003).
Microarray analysis of gene/transcript expression in Prader-Willi syndrome: deletion versus UPD.
J Med Genet 40 (8):
Bittel DC, Miles JH, Takahashi N, Wang CH, Kibiryeva N and
Butler MG (2002).
No association with HOXA1 and HOXB1 genes and
autism spectrum disorders (ASD). J Med Genet 39 (11): e70.
Butler MG,
DC and
Talebizadeh Z
Prader-Willi syndrome and a deletion-duplication within the
15q11-q13 region. J
Med Genet 39 (3): 202-204.
Leenheer EMR De, Ensink RJH, Kunst HPM, Marres HAM, Talebizadeh Z,
Declau F, Smith SD, Usami SI, Heyning PH Van de, Van Camp G, Huygen PLM and
Cremers CWRJ (2002). DFNA2/KCNQ4 and its manifestations.
Adv Otorhinolaryngol 61:41-6.
Kelley P, Askew J, Beisel K and Smith S (1999).
A novel mutation
in the KCNQ4 gene associated with hearing loss in an extended
American family. Hum Mutat
6 (14): 493-501.
Book chapter
MG and Talebizadeh Z
(2006). Genetics of autism with emphasis on affected females
(Chapter VII). In: Progress in
Medical Genetics, M.A. Horry (editor). Nova Science Publishers,
NY. pp: 149-182.
Media citations
Noncoding gene linked to autism, Simons Foundation Autism
Research Initiative, 2012
MicroRNAs may play a role in autism, studies find, 2008, SFARI,
Simons Foundation
The X Factor in
Autism: Researchers study how the X chromosome may play a role in
causing autism, 2004, UMKC Report
Book reviews
Talebizadeh Z (2010).
Regulation of Gene Expression by Small
RNAs (Edited by Rajesh K. Gaur and John J. Rossi, Taylor &
Francis, Inc., Hardcover, 2009) , Am J of Human Genetics
86: 328-330, March 2010.
to the online review;
link to the book on Amazon)